Avoiding Scams and Phishing Attempts
Looking for free coins? Before you click on that link, make sure it’s coming directly from MONOPOLY Slots!
Wondering how can you determine if it is a legitimate promotion? Here’s a few tips on what to avoid...
- A link to a download that promises you unlimited coins.
- Request to download, pay for, and/or subscribe to other apps for free coins.
- An invite to a Free Coin Facebook group.
- Request to copy and paste a Facebook post or comment to your own Facebook profile wall to receive free coins.
- An unsolicited message via Facebook Messenger promising free coins.
- 3rd party websites that promise unlimited coins.
MONOPOLY Slots does not offer any programs that will give you access to unlimited free coins.
- We will not request you to download, pay for, and/or subscribe to other apps for free coins.
- We do not host/administer any 3rd party websites that promise unlimited coins.
Regarding Facebook
- Links giving free coins will always be posted by the admin user “MONOPOLY Slots Community” in a community post or comment.
- We do not host/administer any “Free Coin” Facebook groups.
- We will not ask you to copy and paste a Facebook post or comment to your own Facebook profile wall to obtain free coins.
- We do not send out unsolicited Facebook Messages that promise free coins.
If you see any posts on Facebook that mention downloading software or offering coins in exchange for personal information, please report them as they could be considered illegal activity.
To report spam or phishing attempts, tap or click on the three gray dots that appear to the right of the comment and select “Spam” or the most relevant word to describe what you’re seeing. Then just click on Send!
For a more in-depth guide on how to report comments, please see the following guide from Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/181495968648557
How do I know if a promotion or offer is legitimate?
Our promotions and events often come directly from our Facebook Community Page, which you can verify by seeing the blue checkmark by our community name.
On Facebook:
Other ways we will notify you of promotions are:
- Direct through game app notifications
- Emails to you
- In-game features
- Through directly purchasing coins in the game
As always, if you’re not sure about an offer or promotion, please contact us and we would be more than happy to validate it for you!
Also, please familiarize yourself with the Facebook Spam Definition. We are not responsible for any spam or fraudulent posts made by fans. We will do our best to remove these posts when we become aware of them but due to heavy traffic, we may not always get to them all. We will do everything in our power to make our Community Pages and Help Center a safe, fun and friendly environment geared towards the fans, but you are ultimately responsible for understanding your rights.
To fully understand your rights as a fan, player, and community member, please review:
- Privacy Policy: https://www.sciplay.com/terms-of-service/#!/privacy
- Terms of Service: https://www.sciplay.com/terms-of-service/#!/terms
- Community Guidelines: https://monopoly.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002533214-Community-and-Support-Guidelines
What do I do if I'm a victim of a phishing scam?
If you are a victim of a phishing scam, you can contact the FTC.